Project Details

Groundnuts & Beef Value Chain Project (GAIN)

Green Livelihoods and Heifer International Malawi are collaborating on the Groundnuts & Beef Value Chain Project (GAIN) in Kasungu district, aimed at improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, particularly in areas under Traditional Authorities (TA) Chulu and Mphomwa. The project's key focus is on promoting sustainable agriculture while enhancing economic empowerment for farmers. A significant component of GAIN is the distribution of groundnut seeds to cooperatives, which helps raise crop yields and ensures that farmers have access to more lucrative markets.


By partnering with cooperatives such as Kakonje, Nkhomola, Kapirinkhunda, Chamama EPAs Cooperatives (Mdunga Kasiya & Chibwata), and Mkanakhoti EPAs Cooperatives (Mthabua & Simulemba), the project underscores the importance of teamwork. Cooperatives provide a platform for smallholder farmers to pool resources, share knowledge, and negotiate better market terms, thus contributing to their overall economic well-being.


A crucial element of the GAIN project is securing market access for farmers, which may involve establishing direct links with buyers, processors, and other value chain stakeholders. This ensures that farmers not only increase their productivity but also successfully sell their produce, ultimately improving their livelihoods.

Key components of the project include:

Seed Distribution: Providing groundnut seeds to cooperatives is a crucial step in enhancing agricultural productivity. This helps farmers cultivate a valuable crop that can be sold in the market.

Cooperative Involvement: The project is working with specific cooperatives, such as Chamama EPAs Cooperatives and Mkanakhoti EPAs Cooperatives. Cooperatives play a vital role in aggregating produce, negotiating better prices, and providing a collective platform for farmers.

Market Access: The emphasis on getting market access for smallholder farmers suggests a focus on ensuring that the produced groundnuts reach the market efficiently. This may involve establishing linkages with buyers, processors, or other stakeholders in the value chain.


The success and sustainability of the project rely heavily on financial support from the Flanders government. Funding is essential to provide the necessary tools, education, and support systems that enable farmers to become more self-reliant. Monitoring and evaluation systems are in place to track the project's impact on market access, farmer income, and community development. Continued engagement with local stakeholders will foster a sense of ownership, ensuring the project's long-term success in promoting resilient and sustainable farming practices.


#greenlivelihoods #GAIN #heifermalawi #GovernmentofFlanders #sustainableagriculture

  • Category: Agribusiness
  • Location: Kasungu
  • Partners: Heifer International Malawi
  • Project Status: Current/Ongoing
  • Date: 11 Sep 2024

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