Project Area Details

Green Business Programming

In a recent world where the climatic change and its effects have put so much negative impacts on the rural vulnerable groups, and hence our focus on green business. Green business is an enterprise that has minimal negative impact on the global or local environment, community, society, or economy—a business that strives to meet the triple bottom line.

GL in its core thinking incorporates green business approaches i.e. market focused honey value chain development aimed at uplifting the economic and health standards of women and youths. This is done through activities that are environmentally friendly to ensure that all value chain processes and activities adequately address environmental concerns while maintaining profit. Working in partnership with Honey Produts Industires (pvt), Fredricks Honey Ltd, FISD, DCA, World Connect/USAID Locl Works Malawi; GL is currently working with a total of 300 (50% women) beekeepers in Dowa district, TA Mkukula and TA Msakambewa. GL’s ongoing drive is to commercialize honey value chain developmet in Malawi.

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